
Showing posts with the label las vegas

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: use of force, gun violence, crime rate

Not all police report use of force to FBI, rise in use of force cases in Las Vegas, crime pushing responders to their limit, gun violence leaves insurmountable impacts in Yakima,  NOLA adds 70 more crime cameras, roadblocks to police records, St Louis PD stops reporting crime, and more... POLICE CONDUCT As shootings ‘skyrocket,’ Wichita police get council approval for federal crackdown  (The Wichita Eagle) Most Florida police agencies don’t report use-of-force data to FBI 90 of 387 departments participate statewide  (Click Orlando) Las Vegas police report shows rise in uses of force  (Las Vegas Review Journal) Teen tased by trooper on girlfriend’s porch; experts call it ‘egregious’  (WINK) Policing in America: Racial and ethnic variations in perspectives on police activities  ( National Data on Citizen Complaints about Police Use of Force: Data Quality Concerns and the Potential (Mis)Use of Statistical Evidence to Address Police Agency Conduct  ( Fact ch

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: gun control, predicting flight risk, Charlottesville anniversary

Boston's first black police commissioner, 'bad apples' not behind disproportionate killing of black men, 50 new gun control laws since Parkland, VA in state of emergency during Charlottesville anniversary, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Police officer jumps off overpass to save boy's life in daring New York rescue  (USAToday) If police officers need a second job, we've reached peak austerity  (Independent) William Gross Sworn In As Boston's First Black Police Commissioner, Stresses Community Policing And Diversity  (WBUR) Bad policing, bad law, not 'bad apples,' behind disproportionate killing of black men  (EurekaAlert) Chicago police solve one in every 20 shootings. Here are some reasons why that's so low  (Chicago Trubune) CRIME RATE Ray Lewis: Crime in Baltimore Decreased When I Played for Ravens  (Bleacher Report) Can you change how criminals think? Chicago hopes behavioral therapy can cut gun violence  (USA Today) After Parkland,

SpotCrime Transparency Ranking: June 2017 Update

The open crime data landscape is changing for the better . More and more cities are beginning to publish their crime data openly . We are seeing a shift away from data silos and move toward open data feeds and portals across the country. With advantages of transparency far outranking disadvantages (if any), hundreds of agencies are making their data openly accessible. At this point, it doesn’t make much sense why any police agency still isn’t on board with open data. The SpotCrime Transparency Ranking has been updated to reflect the changes. If you have any questions about any of the rankings, or if you’d like to see a city ranked that’s not on the list, please let us know !  Boston, MA: 0 to 2 They were a 0 in our last update because they upgraded their RMS system, but in the process of upgrading, their public access point to open crime data was kicked offline. When public access to data gets turned off because of an upgrade, we refer to it as ‘ upgrading out of

June 2015 Update to the SpotCrime Crime Data Transparency Ranking

We’ve updated the SpotCrime Crime Data Transparency Ranking that was featured on GovTech early April 2015 . Let’s start with the good: Dallas, TX - We stand corrected! When the GovTech article was published, we had Dallas at a 1 ranking because their system went down and there was no data available for a while. However, by the time the GovTech article was published their system was up and running again, but we failed to update their ranking. After they reached out to express concern for their ranking we checked into things and rightfully moved them back to a 2! Albuquerque, NM - Moved from a 1 to a 2! ABQ is now OPEN for business! They began publishing an easy to digest feed. Our residents in Albuquerque have been pretty happy about the timely updates we’ve been able to make to their SpotCrime alerts. Pittsburgh, PA - Moved from a 1 to a 2! Pittsburgh began posting data in a machine readable format! Woohoo! Jacksonville, FL - Moved from a 1 to a 2 Jacksonville turned